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How Much Does the Average Small Business Pay in Taxes?

One of the main concerns of small business owners is taking good care of their business finances. However, it can be overwhelming to deal with all of their financial responsibilities, like calculating taxes. Taxes are complicated, and not everyone can calculate their tax liability or income tax rate correctly. If you're a small business owner and want to learn more about your business tax rate, please consider the following.

Small Business Taxes

According to Nationwide, small businesses pay an average federal tax rate of 19.8%, but most small businesses pay a different tax rate depending on their entities. For example, a sole proprietorship pays around 13%, but a partnership pays about 23.6%. If you're a new business owner trying to sort out your taxes, we highly recommend hiring professional
business tax accountants to ensure you end up paying the correct amount.

Business Tax Services

Business tax accountants play a crucial role in any business as they do everything related to taxes. Forget about calculating your business tax liability, tax rates, income tax, and tax deductions. Business tax accountants maintain all the tax bookkeeping while you focus on your business. With the help of an accountant, you can save money without worrying about mistakes related to payroll or taxes.

Other Types of Taxes

Business owners sometimes forget about the numerous taxes they might have to pay. For example, if you own a commercial property, you need to pay a property tax to the state. There are a lot of elements to consider while paying taxes, which is why you need the professional help of an accountant. Business taxes are a responsibility that can't be ignored, and it's crucial to know when and how to pay them. Although many business owners deliver their taxes just before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) deadline, others pay on an ongoing basis. A professional accountant will ensure you pay your taxes on time to avoid any issues with the IRS.

To keep your small business running smoothly, don't hesitate to contact professional business tax accountants. If you want your business to succeed, it's best to enlist the help of those with the necessary knowledge and experience. Give us a call at Carpenter, Evert & Associates today to get started with our services! We'd love to be of assistance.

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